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Electrochemistry team

Alan Turnbull

Alan Turnbull

NPL Senior Fellow

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Ali Al-Sikab

Ali Al-Sikab


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Andy Wain

Andy Wain

Principal scientist

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Billie Sherin

Billie Sherin


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Carmen M. López

Carmen M. López

Senior scientist

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Dipak Shinde

Dipak Shinde

Senior Scientist

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Gareth Hinds

Gareth Hinds

Senior NPL Fellow

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Graham Smith

Graham Smith

Principal scientist

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Isaiah Thomas

Isaiah Thomas

Graduate Research Scientist

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Jonathan Goh

Jonathan Goh

Senior scientist

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Jumanah Lazumi

Jumanah Lazumi

Visiting researcher

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Krisha Vajaria

Krisha Vajaria


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Natalie Bond

Natalie Bond

Higher scientist

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Neil McCartney

Neil McCartney

Emeritus NPL Senior Fellow

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Oliver Rodríguez

Oliver Rodríguez

Higher scientist

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Ona Sobotie

Ona Sobotie


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Phil Cooling

Phil Cooling

Higher scientist

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Pierre Kubiak

Pierre Kubiak

Principal Engineer

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Rudra Samajdar

Rudra Samajdar

Senior Scientist

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Shengqi Zhou

Shengqi Zhou

Principal Scientist

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Shravan Kairy

Shravan Kairy

Higher scientist

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Sophie Yue Zhang

Sophie Yue Zhang

Senior scientist

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Tharini Nimsala Herath Pathiranage

Tharini Nimsala Herath Pathiranage


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Xuhui Yao

Xuhui Yao

Higher scientist

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Yaser Showman

Yaser Showman


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