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Medical physics

Medical physics team

Alexandros Douralis

Alexandros Douralis


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Ana Denis-Bacelar

Ana Denis-Bacelar

Senior scientist

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Ana Lourenço

Ana Lourenço

Principal scientist

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Andrew Fenwick

Andrew Fenwick

Senior scientist

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Andrew Robinson

Andrew Robinson

Head of Nuclear Medicine Metrology

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Anna Subiel

Anna Subiel

Higher scientist

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Catharine Clark

Catharine Clark

Principal scientist

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Daniel Deidda

Daniel Deidda

Higher scientist

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David Crossley

David Crossley

Senior scientist

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David Maughan

David Maughan

Higher scientist

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David Shipley

David Shipley

Senior scientist

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Gavin Cox

Gavin Cox


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Giuseppe Schettino

Giuseppe Schettino

NPL Fellow

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Graham Bass

Graham Bass

Senior scientist

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Hugo Palmans

Hugo Palmans

Principal scientist

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Ileana Silvestre Patallo

Ileana Silvestre Patallo

Senior scientist

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Ilias Billas

Ilias Billas

Higher scientist

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Jamie Mewburn-Crook

Jamie Mewburn-Crook

Junior Scientist Apprentice

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Matt Hall

Matt Hall

Principal scientist

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Mohammad Hussein

Mohammad Hussein

Senior scientist

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Nathalia Almeida Costa

Nathalia Almeida Costa

Higher scientist

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Prof Philip Evans

Prof Philip Evans

Joint appointment

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