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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science


International Science Review

Independent assessment of the quality of our science output  

Professor Dame Anne Glover FRS FRSE chaired the International Science Review (ISR) Board which outlined the research capabilities, impact and outputs, as well as the future challenges for NPL science and engineering.

Summary of findings

NPL is an important and iconic institution with a rich history. NPL delivers against a mission that requires both fundamental expertise in laboratory science and the ability to turn that knowledge into societal impact. The ISR Board valued NPL as part of the national infrastructure, carrying out research in many areas and demonstrating international leadership in many areas.

NPL has considerable impact with a broad range of stakeholders. It is also clear that much progress has been made over the last few years to raise the profile and understanding of the work of NPL with key Government departments to underpin its position as an important national asset. NPL’s people are a major asset and attraction of high-quality people is essential for the sustainability of the organisation.

The review spans the period 2016 – 2020 and was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

International Science Review – public summary

Regular reviews

Every 5 years NPL reviews its research to ensure that it is benchmarking itself against the best in the world and continuously improving. In 2016 the review specifically covered the National Measurement System, which is delivered by several national laboratories with NPL delivering the majority of the work.

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