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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science


Nuclear metrology

We are experts in the measurement and characterisation of neutron radiation fields

Safeguarding radiation workers and the public, and paving the way to new sources of power

Radiation and radioactive isotopes have a variety of applications, and accurate measurement is fundamental to all of them. Our state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, coupled with our experienced staff, underpin the safety and effectiveness of applications that rely on radioactivity.

Our work supports both the routine use of nuclear power and the decommissioning of redundant nuclear plant, safeguarding the public and the environment. And we help to increase industry understanding of nuclear fusion, at the start of a new era of nuclear energy provision.

In nuclear medicine, minimising the uncertainties associated with dose and activity measurement is crucial to the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases such as cancer.

Contact us

Our research

Our cutting-edge measurement covers the calibration of nuclear instruments and radiotherapy equipment, the identification and characterisation of radioactive isotopes, and more. We specialise in:

Neutron dosimetry

We investigate new neutron sensors to help keep workers in the nuclear sector safe

Neutron spectrometry

We have a suite of neutron spectrometers that are used for characterising workplace fields

Nuclear medicine

We are studying the use of radioactive substances in the research, diagnosis and treatment of disease

Neutron standards

We operate world-leading facilities for measuring neutron source emission rates

Nuclear data

We determine recommended, internationally-accepted values for nuclear data sets

Primary and secondary standards for radioactivity

We hold the primary standards for all measurements of radioactivity in the UK

Radioactive gas standards

We provide gas standards for the calibration of stack, area and environmental monitoring


We develop novel sample preparation procedures for end users in the nuclear sector

Our services

We offer a broad range of services that underpin the medical radiation and nuclear decommissioning industries, providing world-leading radioactivity measurements for a wide range of applications.

Our resources

Whether you’re looking for good practice guidance, more information on our research, or our latest publications, we have made a broad range of resources freely available.


Innovation funding awarded for vital nuclear medicine supply chain research


New neutron facility at NPL announced


Our team

We have more than 30 internationally recognised scientists. Take a look at the Nuclear and Radiochemistry team.
View our team