The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) plays a vital role in establishing measurement standards that are instrumental in driving innovation within the UK semiconductor sector. These standards not only guide capabilities but also contribute to the growth of compound semiconductors, advanced materials and packaging technologies, positioning the UK at the forefront of semiconductor metrology.
NPL has unique measurement capabilities, research facilities and international expertise for supporting the UK semiconductor industry, including electrical, magnetic, optical, chemical, structural, thermal, and dimensional measurement parameters. These capabilities are available to our partners for contractual services, collaborative R&D, and through grant-funded schemes. We also engage collaborate with industrial and international partners to develop new standards and reference materials, as well as representing UK interests on technical standards committees.
NPL provides physical measurements with traceability to SI units, providing the highest standards in terms of points of reference. Partners in the semiconductor industry rely on us for measurement services and calibrations for a wide range of applications.
To find out more contact us