The executable software CAP2010 calculates the coupling between two wire antennas, and their antenna factors over an ideal ground plane or in free space. CAP2010 is particularly useful for implementation of calculable dipoles for validation of calibration sites described in the IEC Standard CISPR 16-1-5, and for the calibration of antennas. The software is based on a subset of NEC, but is distinguished from other versions of NEC-based software by the ability to incorporate the measured antenna balun S-parameters. A frequency sweep can be performed and also a height scan in which the maximum signal is recorded when one antenna is scanned in height above a ground plane.
Antenna geometry is defined using a NEC Syntax. Wire specification cards are used to define individual wires. Coordinate transformation cards are used to copy sections of geometry to a new location. Please note that moving geometry using the transformation card without creating a copy is not supported.
The element segmentation can be optimised for convergence, which is useful for the calculation of more elaborate antennas such as biconical and log-periodic antennas. CAP2010 is a powerful tool for modelling changes to antenna coupling, for example changes with height above a ground plane or throughout a volume, including in the near-field. More information is given in the User Manual.
11 Jun 2019