Knowing the measurement uncertainty allows us to specify a region or interval within which the true value of the quantity of interest should lie. We have offered S-parameter measurements to customers with stated uncertainties for several decades using NPL’s primary impedance microwave measurement system (PIMMS).
The Vector Network Analyser Dynamic Uncertainty Option (VNA-DUO) allows us to reliably evaluate the uncertainty in measurements of active devices operating in linear and non-linear modes of operation.

PNA-X network analyser running VNA-DUO to characterise an active device
D. Singh, M. Salter, J. Skinner, and N.M. Ridler, “Commissioning of a VNA dynamic uncertainty tool for microwave S-parameter measurements,” NPL Report. TQE 16, 2021.
D. Singh, M. J. Salter, H. Votsi, and N. M Ridler, “Inter-laboratory comparison of S-parameter measurements with dynamic uncertainty evaluation,” 94th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium (ARFTG), 26-29 January 2020, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
D. Singh, M. Salter, and N.M. Ridler, “Comparison of Vector Network Analyser (VNA) calibration techniques at microwave frequencies,” NPL Report. TQE 14, 2019.
R A Ginley, “Kicking the tires of the NIST microwave uncertainty framework, part 1,” 88th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), Dec 2016
R. A. Ginley, “Kicking the tires of the NIST microwave uncertainty framework, Part 2,” 90th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium, Dec. 2017.