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Industrial sterilisation

Industrial dosimetry on the web

Authoritative information

NPL now has a web server specifically dedicated to industrial and chemical dosimetry. This gives full details of industrial and chemical dosimetry services and how to use the chemical dosimetry database.

Benefits of the NPL ChemDos website:

  • Password protected access allows the progress of calibrations to be followed
  • Information can be sent to NPL to speed the processing of dosimeters
  • Preliminary results can be viewed as soon as they are available
  • Calibration guides that can be downloaded and useful links to other sites are provided

If you've never used the database and wish to login

First you will need NPL to set up an account for you. This is very easy: send an e-mail direct to and we will arrange for an account to be set up. This will normally take less than a day. The e-mail should include your name, company name and contact details. NPL will provide you with a login name and password.

If you have an account and wish to login

The easiest way is to visit the link below and then save as a favourite. NPL ChemDos Database Login, the link will take you directly to the chemical dosimetry database login page. Simply type in your username and password and you're in! After your first login you may change the password. If you do this remember to inform others in your company who may also be users of the database.

Key aspects of the database
The database assumes you know the job number for your work – this number appears as the NPL reference on all dispatch letters and is the reference used for the certificate.

Selecting 'ALL Jobs' displays all those associated with your company. The latest will appear at the top of the list.

After selecting the relevant record using the job number you may VIEW and, depending on the job status, EDIT the job by clicking the appropriate button.

Before returning the dosimeters please select the EDIT option and fill in your dispatch date and irradiation details ( expected irradiation temperature and expected doses ) on the database. Select SUBMIT to update the database. By completing the irradiation details you will help us achieve the fastest turnaround time for the issue of your results.

The database will be updated on receipt of the dosimeters at NPL and will show the anticipated measurement date(s). The results will be available on the database prior to the production of the NPL certificate. We will send you an e-mail notifying you when the results are available.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Our diverse skill set enables us to provide bespoke solutions. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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