Characterisation of quantum materials and devices
A comprehensive Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) underpinning the characterisation of advanced electronic and magnetic materials and devices. With a broad temperature range and an ability to apply high magnetic fields, the system is particularly suitable for characterisation of quantum materials and devices. With fast cool down times and stable magnetic field ramping, measurement time can be fully utilised reducing the cost to customers. From industry and SME’s to academia, the PPMS is a versatile tool for detailed characterisation of bulk samples, micro and nanofabricated devices, as well as nanoparticles, for developing future quantum and nanoelectronics technologies.
The DynaCool PPMS’s flexible design combines many features in one instrument, including magnetometry and electrical transport measurements as well as ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The system can work in a wide range of magnetic fields (up to 9 Tesla) and temperatures down to 1.8K with no need for liquid cryogens (cryogen-free) resulting in significantly reduced running costs compared with traditional wet cryogenic systems.
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
The VSM option enables measurement of a sample's magnetic moment as a function of temperature or magnetic field.
AC Susceptibility
The AC measurement system utilizes a mutual induction-based technique to determine a sample's dynamic (AC) susceptibility.
Electrical Transport
AC Resistance
The electrical transport option enables AC electrical transport measurements of samples using a 4-probe lead configuration, suitable for all ranges of samples, but especially useful for looking at resistive samples, or those where pulsed current measurements could be utilised such as when studying memristors.
DC Resistance
The PPMS can measure DC resistance on up to three channels using a standard puck. This option highlights the efficiency of this system, with data for full temperature and field sweeps of three samples taken simultaneously, reducing the time cost even further.
Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)
Broadband FMR spectroscopy utilising the NanOsc CryoFMR-40 allows for dynamic property measurements up to 40 GHz. FMR over such a wide frequency range enables the extraction a variety of magnetic parameters, several which are traditionally inaccessible by static measurement techniques, as well as extracting parameters which can be correlated with those derived from static measurements. From FMR we can extract;
- Calculates the effective magnetization (Meff), anisotropy (K), gyromagnetic ratio (γ), damping (α), and inhomogeneous broadening (ΔHO)
- Enables the user to extract the exchange stiffness (A) and inverse spin Hall effect ISHE (e.g. spin Hall Angle (θSHA)).
All of these are crucial in developing materials for integration into next-generation Low Loss Electronics.
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