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Neutron services

Thermal neutron production

Thermal neutron fluence and dose standards

Well characterised thermal neutron fields are available at NPL for the calibration of neutron measuring devices, for instance in area survey instruments or personal dosemeters, and for irradiation purposes.

These standard thermal neutron fields are produced by bombarding two beryllium targets, set into a large graphite moderator, with a beam of deuterons from the NPL 3.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. The thermal neutron fluence rate at the centre of the ‘pile’ is controlled by signals from three boron coated ionisation chambers placed within the graphite, below the beam line. These signals are used to set the voltages on pairs of horizontal and vertical deflection plates which in turn determine the number of deuterons striking each beryllium target in order to give a stable, uniform neutron field. Despite the varying beam current, our feedback system is remarkably stable, meaning the fluence is steady to around 0.3 % over an irradiation of several hours. A small cavity at the centre of the pile provides for the irradiation of artefacts of modest size in a standard thermal neutron field.

Larger samples, such as area survey instruments, can be irradiated in a beam of thermal neutrons extracted through an evacuated tube or ‘thermal column’. Corrections for epi-cadmium neutrons are derived from the results of irradiations under cadmium cover.

The value of the fluence rate is determined in terms of known thermal neutron capture cross sections by the activation of gold foils. The fluence rates near the central region and below the thermal column are continuously monitored with small fission chambers. Dose quantities, both ambient or personal dose equivalent, can be derived from the fluence values using standard conversion coefficients.

Thermal Cavity

Diameter of access hole to cavity 12 cm
Range of fluence rate 104 to 3 x 107 cm-2 s-1
Uncertainty of value (95% confidence limit) 2 %
Spatial uniformity 0.2 %
Epithermal fluence component 1 %
Cadmium ratio for a thin 1 / v detector 340
Gamma absorbed dose (in tissue) in cavity 0.6 Gy per 1012 cm-2

Thermal Column

Diameter of thermal column 30 cm
Irradiation heights 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m
Maximum dose equivalent rate at 1.0m 2.1 mSv h-1
Neutron fluence component > 0.5 eV ~ 19% of total fluence
Photon doesrate
Air Kerma/ thermal personal dose equivalent
3.2 Gy/Sv
Maximum steady fluence rate 4 x 104 cm-2 s-1
Minimum steady fluence rate 5 x 102 cm-2 s-1
Cadmium ratio for a thin 1 / v detector 78

Our reported uncertainties are based on a standard uncertainty and multiplied by a coverage factor k = 2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. Services are UKAS accredited if the measurements are within the scope of our schedule.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Our diverse skill set enables us to provide bespoke solutions. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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