Delivering enhanced confidence in the performance of advanced materials for industry
How does permeability measurement help industry?
Compared to conventional materials advanced composite materials can deliver benefits such as enhanced strength-to-weight ratio and improved durability of parts. Before these materials are brought into the manufacturing process, however, they need to be thoroughly tested and their performance validated.
NPL experts work with a comprehensive suite of mechanical tests, non-destructive evaluation, thermal analysis and modelling techniques. Through this, we provide customers with the independent validation they need to be confident in their material selection and composite component performance.
Customers in sectors such as aerospace, automotive, marine, energy, construction and defence work with us to gain the confidence they need in evaluating and selecting the right advanced materials for their products through the lifecycle. Working with us can help to improve yield and reduce manufacturing cycle times through better understanding, control and optimisation of manufacturing processes.
Our world experts in complementary disciplines are available to help clarify requirements, interpret results and solve problems for customers. As the UK's National Measurement Institute, you can trust the independence and impartiality of our findings.
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