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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

It’s a wrap! The PGI Conference is over for another year…

Covid-19 stopped the PGI conference from taking place in-person, but it did not stop it being a success! Our very first virtual conference, lasting 9 hours split across September, had 180 individual interactions, with a total of 335 attendances spread over the 4 sessions! Out of those who registered to attend, 60% made it to at least one of the days.

It would not have been such a great event without the brilliant organisation and input from our PGI student conference committee who also chaired the sessions, the interesting and insightful presentations provided by our keynote speakers, and the fabulous work of the PGRs showcasing their research via talks and posters. A big thank you to all that participated and everyone that attended the conference. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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