Sebastian develops and applies new nanoscale measurement techniques for quantitative metrology of emerging semiconductor materials and devices. His research focuses primarily on advanced modes of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and optical spectroscopy. He collaborates widely with industrial, academic, and government partners to address specific measurement and standardisation challenges in the development of new semiconductor technologies and products.
Sebastian Wood joined NPL in 2015 following undergraduate and doctoral studies in the Physics Department at Imperial College London. His initial research was in the field of nanoscale structure-function characterisation of organic semiconductors for photovoltaic applications. In his role at NPL, Sebastian has developed a unique facility for nanometrology of emerging electronics including structural, functional, chemical and optical measurement modes. He has applied these techniques to hybrid perovskites, nanostructured semiconductors, 2D materials and compound semiconductors for a variety of device applications.
Sebastian is a member of the Institute of Physics, a Chartered Physicist and contributes to British and International Standardisation committees. He is currently Chair of the National Standards Committee BSI EPL/47 “Semiconductors”, a member of BSI CII/60 “Surface Chemical Analysis” and national expert on the corresponding international IEC and ISO committees. Sebastian has led multiple research projects with individual UK companies as well as coordinated international collaborative projects such as the EMPIR ‘PowerElec’ project on novel metrology for the manufacture of wide bandgap power electronics.
Current interests:
Measurement standards for emerging semiconductor technologies (compound semiconductors, 2D materials, organic/hybrid semiconductors, nanostructured materials).
Pre-standards research in advanced materials metrology and convergence between critical technologies (semiconductors, AI, quantum, and telecoms)
Selected publications:
1. Curvature-enhanced localised emission from dark states in wrinkled monolayer WSe2 at room temperature, S Wood et al., Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 24, 2278443 (2023)
2. Development of time-resolved photoluminescence microscopy of semiconductor materials and devices using a compressed sensing approach, A Baltušis et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 35, 015207 (2023)
3. Ion-driven nanograin formation in early-stage degradation of tri-cation perovskite films, F Richheimer et al., Nanoscale 14, 2605 (2022)
4. Enhancing and quantifying spatial homogeneity in monolayer WS2, Y Cao et al., Sci. Rep. 11, 1 (2021)
5. Raman spectroscopy as an advanced structural nanoprobe for conjugated molecular semiconductors, S Wood, J R Hollis, J-S Kim, J. Appl. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 073001 (2017)
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