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Michael Cuthbert

Michael Cuthbert

Director of the National Quantum Computing Centre

Michael is Director of the National Quantum Computing Centre, a national laboratory established in 2020 and funded jointly by EPSRC and STFC. Focused on meeting the challenges of scaling quantum computing – both the technology and user adoption, the centre is located on the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire. Prior to taking this position, Michael had a 22-year career with Oxford Instruments, having held a number of technical and commercial leadership roles in Japan, the US and the UK, most recently as Head of Quantum Technologies.

With a background in superconductivity and cryogenic systems, Michael has a BSc (Hons) from University of Glasgow and PhD from Imperial College. Michael is a member of the Institute of Physics and sits on several advisory panels, including the National Quantum Technologies Programme Board, IEEE IRDS Roadmapping Committee for Cryoelectronics and Research Data Advisory Board for Cancer Research UK. Michael is Aegis Professor in Quantum Technologies at the University of Bristol.