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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science

Peter Thompson

Peter Thompson

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Dr Peter Thompson CBE FREng FInstP FRSC is CEO of NPL, a national laboratory spanning science, innovation and technology and the UK’s National Metrology Institute (NMI).

In 2015 Peter joined NPL as CEO and has overseen the laboratory’s development and growth in recent years aligned to the UK’s National Challenges. This has included providing strategic leadership and oversight of NPL-led programmes including the Cancer Research UK Rosetta Cancer Grand Challenge, National Timing Centre programme, Quantum programme, Measurement for Recovery programme, the Advanced Machinery and Productivity initiative and the UK Telecoms Lab (UKTL).

For outstanding leadership of the National Physical Laboratory and the sustained impact of metrology on UK prosperity and quality of life, Peter was awarded the Institute of Physics 2022 Richard Glazebrook medal and award. He also holds a number of advisory positions, in areas such as the National Quantum Technologies Programme (NQTP).

Peter brings a passion for diversity and inclusion in science and engineering and a focus on maximising impact for end users. His previous roles include strategic advisor to MOD’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Board Member and Deputy Chief Executive of Dstl and Head of the Counter Terrorism, Science and Technology Centre.

Peter is a Visiting Professor at the University of Surrey, a Non-Executive Director of the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult and a Trustee of the Institute of Physics.

He is the recipient of two MOD Chief Scientific Advisor Commendations and the US National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation (NIMUC) award.

Peter was awarded a CBE in the 2025 King’s New Year Honours List. Peter was recognised for his services to science and technology.

pete ceo