Mark Gee is an NPL Fellow in Surface Engineering and Tribology and has been a visiting Professor at the University of Southampton for several years. He has published over 300 papers and reports. He has been Chairman and is currently a member of the Institute of Physics Tribology Group, and is deputy Chairman of the Institute of Materials, Mining and Minerals.
He is also a member of the International Advisory Editorial Boards of Tribology International, Tribology — Materials Surfaces and Interfaces and Surface Technology: Metrology and Properties. He is a member of various standards committees including ASTM Committee G2 on Wear, ISO TC 206 Advanced Ceramics, and ISO TC 107 Metallic and other Inorganic Coatings.
Current Interests
Mark contributes to projects that are concerned with the development of measurement methods that link the performance of the surfaces of materials to their microscale structure. A particular focus is to facilitate an improved infrastructure for friction and wear testing in the UK and Europe.
Specific research interests are the development of in situ real-time tribological measurement techniques, and the application of microstructural characterisation of materials to the determination of damage mechanisms caused by wear.
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