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Mira Naftaly

Mira Naftaly

Principal Scientist

Dr Mira Naftaly joined NPL in 2008, where she is a Principal Scientist leading the area of Terahertz measurements and applications.

Mira is the technical lead scientist of the EPSRC Terahertz Facility.


Mira is a spectroscopist and laser physicist with over 20 years’ experience in the area of terahertz measurements and over 100 peer-reviewed publications. She is a Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London, a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Chartered Physicist, a member of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) and Chair of its Terahertz group. Mira is an Associate Editor of IEEE Access, Editorial Board Member of Applied Sciences, a Review Editor of Frontiers in Photonics, and a Publons Academy Mentor.

Areas of interest

  • Terahertz metrology
  • Terahertz properties of materials
  • Terahertz applications for non-destructive testing
  • Terahertz wireless communications

Selected recent publications:

  1. Murphy, Keir N., Daniel Markl, Alison Nordon, and Mira Naftaly. "Observation of spurious spectral features in mixed-powder compressed pellets measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy." IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 13, no. 5 (2023): 569-572.
  2. Murphy, Keir N., Mira Naftaly, Alison Nordon, and Daniel Markl. "The Effect of Particle Size and Concentration on Low-Frequency Terahertz Scattering in Granular Compacts." Optical Materials Express 13, no. 8 (2023): 225-2263.
  3. Kutz, Janis, Lars Liebermeister, Nico Vieweg, Konstantin Wenzel, Robert Kohlhaas, and Mira Naftaly. "A Terahertz Fast-Sweep Optoelectronic Frequency-Domain Spectrometer: Calibration, Performance Tests, and Comparison with TDS and FDS." Applied Sciences 12, no. 16 (2022): 8257.
  4. “Industrial Applications of Terahertz Sensing: State of Play” M. Naftaly, N. Vieweg, A. Deninger, Sensors 19 (2019), 4203.
  5. “Characterization of emitters and detectors.” Naftaly, Mira. Ch. 3 in “Next Generation Wireless Terahertz Communication Networks”, eds. Saim Ghafoor, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Alan Davy. CRC Press, 2021.
  6. "Terahertz and Microwave Optical Properties of Single-Crystal Quartz and Vitreous Silica and the Behavior of the Boson Peak." Naftaly, Mira, and Andrew Gregory, Applied Sciences 11, no. 15 (2021): 6733.
  7. "Measuring open porosity of porous materials using THz-TDS and an index-matching medium." Naftaly, Mira, Iliya Tikhomirov, Peter Hou, and Daniel Markl, Sensors 20, no. 11 (2020): 3120.
  8. "Sheet Resistance Measurements of Conductive Thin Films: A Comparison of Techniques." Naftaly, Mira, Satyajit Das, John Gallop, Kewen Pan, Feras Alkhalil, Darshana Kariyapperuma, Sophie Constant, Catherine Ramsdale, and Ling Hao, Electronics 10, no. 8 (2021): 960.
  9. "Beam Profile Characterisation of an Optoelectronic Silicon Lens-Integrated PIN-PD Emitter between 100 GHz and 1 THz." Smith, Jessica, Mira Naftaly, Simon Nellen, and Björn Globisch, Applied Sciences 11, no. 2 (2021): 465.
  10. "Non-Destructive Porosity Measurements of 3D Printed Polymer by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy." Naftaly, Mira, Gian Savvides, Fawwaz Alshareef, Patrick Flanigan, GianLuc Lui, Marian Florescu, and Ruth Ann Mullen. Applied Sciences 12, no. 2 (2022): 927.