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Mayela Romero‑Gómez

Mayela Romero‑Gómez

Higher scientist

Dr. Mayela Romero-Gómez joined the Quantum Technologies Department at NPL in February 2022, as a Higher Scientist in the Quantum Materials and Sensors group. Her research focusses in the subdiffraction limited study of physico-chemical, structural, and optoelectronic properties of new-generation materials via near-field optical microscopy techniques. Such studies support the development of sensing, photodetection and quantum technologies applications.

She obtained her PhD in Physics from King’s College London on September 2021, where she specialised in the study of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale, particularly in the development and optical response of aluminium plasmonic metamaterials, and their application in label-free DNA sensing and photodetection. She has published several papers in plasmonic materials applications raging from photodetection to catalysis, and her work has been widely disseminated in talks and posters in different national and international conferences.

Currently, Mayela is an active member of the Institute of Physics (IoP), the UK Metamaterials Network (UKMMN), and the Materials for Quantum Network (M4QN). In addition to research, Mayela has a strong commitment for the dissemination of science to the community, and she participates in workshops and talks tailored to all-ages, when there’s an opportunity.

Areas of Interest

Plasmonics, Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Photonic crystals, 2D-materials, scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM), AFM-IR nano-spectroscopy, Spectroscopy, Bio-sensing and detection, Non-linear optics.

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