Harry Morris is a Higher Scientist in the National Physical Laboratory’s (NPL) Climate and Earth Observation team. His work focuses on applications of metrology and automated field instrumentation for measuring vegetation biophysical products, such as the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR), Leaf Area Index (LAI) and surface reflectance.
Harry joined NPL in 2023 from the University of Southampton, after gaining an MSc. in GIS & Remote Sensing and being employed as a research assistant. He was involved in various ESA funded projects for his seven years on the south coast, focused on validating biophysical products derived from Copernicus satellites. Projects included the Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3MPC), Ground-Based Observations for Copernicus data products (GBOV), Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation (FRM4Veg), and Sentinels for Gross Primary Productivity (SEN4GPP).
At NPL, Harry develops and maintains automated sensor networks for validating fAPAR and the HYPERNETS Wytham Woods site, involving regular fieldwork campaigns and sensor calibrations. He is a qualified UAV pilot (A2CofC and GVC) and regularly flies NPL’s hyper-spectral imager over vegetated sites as part of multiple projects.
In 2024, Harry was a recipient of the NPL Director’s Science and Engineering Fund Explorers Award. As a result, in 2025 he is assessing applications of metrological principles for validating phenological products and developing a framework for propagating uncertainties through to derivations of phenological metrics.
Selected Publications
Brown, L.A., Meier, C., Morris, H., Pastor-Guzman, J., Bai, G., Lerebourg, C., Gobron, N., Lanconelli, C., Clerici, M. and Dash, J., 2020. Evaluation of global leaf area index and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation products over North America using Copernicus Ground Based Observations for Validation data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, p.111935.
Brown, L.A., Camacho, F., García-Santos, V., Origo, N., Fuster, B., Morris, H., Pastor-Guzman, J., Sánchez-Zapero, J., Morrone, R., Ryder, J. and Nightingale, J., 2021. Fiducial reference measurements for vegetation bio-geophysical variables: An end-to-end uncertainty evaluation framework. Remote Sensing, 13(16), p.3194.
Brown, L.A., Morris, H., Leblanc, S., Bai, G., Lanconelli, C., Gobron, N., Meier, C. and Dash, J., 2023. HemiPy: A Python module for automated estimation of forest biophysical variables and uncertainties from digital hemispherical photographs. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(9), pp.2329-2340.
Morris, H., Sinclair, M., De Vis, P. and Bialek, A., 2024. Utilising LANDHYPERNET data products over a deciduous broadleaf forest to validate Sentinel-2 and Landsat surface reflectance products. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5, p.1322760.
Pastor-Guzman, J., Brown, L., Morris, H., Bourg, L., Goryl, P., Dransfeld, S. and Dash, J., 2020. The sentinel-3 OLCI terrestrial chlorophyll index (OTCI): algorithm improvements, spatiotemporal consistency and continuity with the MERIS archive. Remote Sensing, 12(16), p.2652.
Camacho, F., Martínez-Sánchez, E., Brown, L., Morris, H., Morrone, R., Williams, O., Dash, J., Origo, N., Sánchez-Zapero, J. and Boccia, V., 2024. Validation and Conformity Testing of Sentinel-3 Green Instantaneous FAPAR and Canopy Chlorophyll Content Products.
Brown, L.A., Fernandes, R., Djamai, N., Meier, C., Gobron, N., Morris, H., Canisius, F., Bai, G., Lerebourg, C., Lanconelli, C. and Clerici, M., 2021. Validation of baseline and modified Sentinel-2 Level 2 Prototype Processor leaf area index retrievals over the United States. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 175, pp.71-87.
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