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David Butterfield

David Butterfield

Senior Scientist

David Butterfield is a Senior Scientist in NPL’s Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology Group and is a technical expert on air quality instrumentation and data. David runs the UK’s Particulate Equivalence measurement site at NPL, where real-time particulate analysers are tested against the manual reference method. This enables them to demonstrate equivalence and hence be used in National Air Quality Networks.

He performs key roles in delivering National Air Pollution Networks for the UK Government (Automatic Urban and Rural Network, Heavy Metals Network, Black Carbon Network and the Particle Number and Speciation Networks). He is currently Data Ratification Manager for the London sites contained in the Automatic Urban and Rural Network.

David is a member of 3 CEN/TC264 standardisation groups developing ambient air measurement standards for particulate mass concentration and speciation.

Recent Publications:

1)           David Butterfield, Nicholas A. Martin, Georgie Coppin , David E. Fryer, Equivalence of UK nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube data to the EU reference method, Atmospheric Environment, vol 262 (2021), July 2021.

2)           Butterfield, D M; Lipscombe, R P; Gardiner, T D (2020) Safe Sampling Volume determinations of 12 volatile organic compounds on Carboxen 1003, Carbopack-X & Tenax-TA. Journal of Chromatography A, 1626. 461369 ISSN 00219673

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Email David Butterfield