Andrew gained an H.N.C. with Endorsements in Mechanical and Production Engineering at Kingston College.
After joining NPL Andrew worked primarily on upgrading all accelerator based vacuum systems whilst familiarising himself with the 3 particle accelerators. He was also involved with the commissioning of a Tritium decontamination facility.
Between 1992 and 1993, during a refurbishment period of the building and accelerator facilities, Andrew worked as Health Physicist for the Laboratory and between 1994 and 1998 was a Safety Advisor for buildings 47 & 94.
Andrew has expertise in accelerator operation, technology and associated high voltage circuitry. He also has experience of vacuum system design and management, extending from ‘rough’ to the ‘Ultra High’ ranges.
He is also a member of the Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel, which is a worldwide forum for Accelerator managers to share experiences.
As accelerator manager he underpins the UKAS-accredited measurement service RN01 & RN02 (calibrations using Thermal and low energy neutrons).
Andrew also has experience in the handing of high output Neutron Sources.
Areas of interest
- Control Systems
- Vacuum technology
- High Voltage systems
- Accelerator technology
- Neutron dosimetry
Email Andrew Bennett