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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science


Join us for our upcoming webinar - Resilient time: Delivering impact for the UK

11 - 14 March

09:00- 19:00



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Latest news in time and frequency


NTC in the media

London Stock Exchange Group welcomes the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and partner organisations


Ingenia - Why microseconds matter?


UK unveils 'world-first' independent system to GNSS to protect national infrastructure


Read the Financial Times article on the dangers of GPS reliance to tell time


Listen to the BBC's interview with NPL's Robin Hart on the importance of accurate timekeeping


Read the Frinextra article on timestamp precision to stock trading


See the Zyen press release on using NPL's atomic clocks to timestamp distributed ledgers


Quantum trading and the search for the perfect clock -


Hear how NPL is developing alternative approaches to make timing more robust


Read the latest Reuters article on the struggles firms are experiencing with regulatory-mandated time


Read the article referencing the importance of accurate time for the financial industry especially when things go wrong


Learn why there is a need to make the digital world resilient to loss of timing Hoptroff Annual Timing Review 2021


Read how NPL is providing accurate Time keeping for industry and society in the UK


Learn how the UK is taking steps to a more resilient timing infrastructure


See how investment from Innovate UK is supporting cross sector technology projects in Time and Frequency


Read how the National Timing Centre (NTC) is demonstrating traceability of time stamping for finance regulatory compliance


Read the Governments briefing paper on supporting development and investment for the UK space industry and how the
National Timing Centre (NTC) is integral to it’s growth


Follow the discussion on the importance of Time assurances and security across Military, Security and Civil Space Sectors


See how the US are strengthening National Resilience through responsible use of Position, Navigation and Timing Services


A look at how time is part of the UK’s critical national infrastructure


National Timing Centre Wikipedia listing

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