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NPL welcomes the UK Government's Policy Framework for greater PNT resilience

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NPL, the home of UK time, welcomes the UK Government’s new policy framework, which tackles the risks associated with position, navigation, and timing (PNT).

Over the past 5 years, NPL has been working with partners to develop the National Timing Centre (NTC) research and development programme and form a proposal for the enduring National Timing Centre (NTC) with the aim of futureproofing resilient timing in the UK.

NPL is the home of time in the UK. To futureproof resilient timing, NPL and government partners are developing a resilient UK national time infrastructure through the building and linking of a new atomic clock network distributed geographically in secure locations. This will form the source of resilient time for the UK. It will provide traceable signals into distribution systems such as a terrestrial eLORAN to provide backup PNT or even the ground segment of a UK space asset, strengthening existing infrastructure resilience. For long term PNT resilience it is crucial that we develop our sovereign capabilities, including infrastructure, supply chain and skills pipeline.

Today, the UK Government has also announced a re-allocated £14m of existing funding to the NTC R&D programme.

Dr Pete Thompson, CEO, NPL commented, “NPL’s National Timing Centre (NTC) research and development programme, developed in collaboration with innovators across the UK, is demonstrating the concept of a resilient timing infrastructure. Running until March 2025, the programme is the precursor to, and key building block of, developing a National Timing Centre, as outlined at point three of the Policy Framework.” 

As well as ensuring the infrastructure is resilient and futureproof, we need to develop assured systems to support it. Crucially, developing the skills and workforce needed to implement and run the technology is essential. In the government’s latest announcement, it sets out a plan to fund centres for doctoral training in timing and PNT as well as reviewing current PNT skills, education and training. Via the NTC programme, NPL is already offering a series of courses to equip the next generation of specialists with the knowledge and skills required.

Point 3 of the new policy focuses on the development of the National Timing Centre, which provides resilient, terrestrial, sovereign and high-quality timing for the UK. The National Risk Register (NRR) 2023 also, for the first time, identifies the loss of PNT services as a standalone risk to the UK.

Dr Leon Lobo, Head of the National Timing Centre programme said “The National Timing Centre is a key component to help mitigate the position, navigation and timing (PNT) risk in the National Risk Register 2023. The new policy framework is a huge step forward, providing direction and focus, to drive national PNT resilience measures. We are looking forward to collaborating closely with government, industry and academia to help achieve it.”

Improved resilience will help to strengthen our society through faster, more secure internet, robust energy supplies and reliable health and emergency services. The NTC, in conjunction with the other measures outlined today, will be key to the UK’s critical national infrastructure, bring structure to our data frameworks and support all sectors of industry.


18 Oct 2023