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The InstMC Prizes and Awards committee recognises those who have made outstanding contributions to the fields of measurement and control by presenting annual awards.
Professor Bajram Zeqiri received the Callendar Award for his outstanding contribution to the art of instruments or measurement. Bajram is an NPL Fellow in Ultrasound and Head of Science. His research contributions include leading the development of standards for characterising the essential properties of medical ultrasound equipment; measurement and calibration standards for ultrasonic hydrophones and power measurement. Bajram has also established reference facilities for determining the acoustic properties of tissue-like materials and the development of novel ultrasonic detectors and their application for tissue imaging.
Professor Graham Machin FREng received an Honorary Fellowship which recognises his distinguished and long service to the Institute of Measurement and Control. Graham is an NPL Senior Fellow in Thermometry and serves as the UK delegate to the Consultative Committee for Thermometry and is past president of both Euramet Technical Committee for Thermometry and the Institute of Measurement and Control. His team has made world-leading contributions to the redefinition of the kelvin (K), thermodynamic temperature measurement and the development of high temperature fixed points as next-generation temperature standards.
Find out more here: InstMC Awards | InstMC
22 May 2024