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NPL and partners make UK’s first 6G connection above 100 Gbps

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NPL, in collaboration with Keysight Technologies and the University of Surrey 6GIC, have made the UK’s first 6G connection at speeds greater than 100 gigabits per second over sub-terahertz (THz) frequencies.

Using 6G for applications such as augmented reality and autonomous vehicles requires data throughput speeds from 100 Gbps to 1 terabit per second. To achieve the extreme data speeds and low latencies required, the use of sub-THz frequencies is being explored. However, operations in sub-THz frequency bands introduce signal integrity and path loss challenges that can impact performance.

Located at NPL in Teddington, the team have established the first sub-THz high throughput 6G testbed in the UK to address these challenges. Scientists from NPL and the University of Surrey 6GIC are using the testbed, in collaboration with Keysight Technologies, to study and characterise sub-THz signal performance to generate new techniques for optimizing data paths and calibration methodologies.

Demonstration of the 6G testbed was made at the Spring 2023 6G Symposium held at the University of Surrey 6GIC, April 24-26.

Irshaad Fatadin, Principal Scientist, National Physical Laboratory, said: "6G is a key focus for NPL and we are using our scientific and measurement capabilities to tackle the challenges of this new technology. Our partnership with Keysight will be a critical success factor in our 6G research work."

Mosaab Abughalib, Senior Research Director and General Manager for Keysight's Network Emulation Group, said: "Through this partnership we are bringing Keysight solutions and experts together with scientists from NPL and the University of Surrey to unlock the true potential of 6G."

Regius Professor Rahim Tafazolli, FREng, Head of ICS, 6GIC at The University of Surrey, said: “This breakthrough was achieved through close collaboration between all three partners and paves the way for greater innovation in the next steps. I would like to acknowledge and thank the great work of Dr Mohsen Khalily, Dr Amirmasood Bagheri from 6GIC in this project.”

03 May 2023