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A joined-up approach to decarbonisation

Ben Rowton discusses the importance of prioritising the measurement challenges we face in tackling climate change

2 minute read

Hydrogen in the UK is beginning to shift from hypothetical debates to practical demonstration projects and it is one of the key components in the transition to net zero.

However, there are measurement challenges which currently impact the development and deployment of the technologies, systems or changes that are needed to meet net zero targets.

In an interview with The Engineer, Ben Rowton, Strategic Business Development Manager, takes a deep dive into how we can achieve decarbonisation and meet national and international climate targets. Tackling the measurement challenges currently blocking the wide scale uptake of hydrogen technologies will play a critical role in meeting these goals, especially when implemented alongside the acceleration of electrochemical technologies and CCUS.

Read more about NPL’s research in this area here


04 Jul 2023