Monitoring the environment and supporting low carbon technologies
A thriving economy can be at odds with the human desires for a clean, healthy and safe environment. More people now live in cities than in rural areas, and by 2050, two thirds of the world's population is projected to be urban. This is putting human health and environmental protection under growing pressure.
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, as well as the UK’s Clean Air Act and Climate Change Act, are the principle drivers behind the need for environmental monitoring. A thorough understanding of industrial processes and their environmental impact can lead to process efficiencies that are good for business, while also protecting the environment and, importantly, human health.
Environmental measurement scientists at NPL work with academia, industry, the government and its regulators to provide high quality, cost-effective pollution monitoring and analysis.
The airborne emissions and ambient air sampling and analysis services are accredited to ISO 17025 and are underpinned by the latest research. All measurements are traceable to UK National Standards.
We carry out remote sensing of gaseous emissions worldwide, using DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar). We also offer advice and measurements for Greenhouse Gas Reporting. We are entrusted by Defra, the Environment Agency and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to lead UK monitoring networks, and for the provision of traceable measurements for climate change models.
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