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Electromagnetic Materials Measurements and Applications Community of Interest (EMMA CoI) Meeting

We are pleased to announce the second annual meeting of the Electromagnetic Materials Measurements and Applications Community of Interest (EMMA-CoI).

We are pleased to announce the second annual meeting of the Electromagnetic Materials Measurements and Applications Community of Interest (EMMA-CoI). Held at The University of Sheffield on Tuesday 15 April 2025, this event will facilitate discussions between likeminded individuals within the RF, Microwave and THz electromagnetic materials (EM) research, development and calibration communities across the UK. Join us to explore mutual issues and developing requirements across UK industry, universities and Government organisations.

Organised by The National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the DSTL Advanced Materials Programme (AMP), the UK Metamaterials Network (UKMMN) and The University of Sheffield, the CoI is a collaborative community providing thought-provoking discussion on EM materials measurement, including novel techniques, evolving requirements, standards, access to suitable measurement facilities and a better understanding of the metrological discipline.

Covering RF, Microwave and THz EM Materials Metrology from the nano to macro scale, our discussions will encompass solid materials, dielectric and magnetic materials, composites, materials for communications and electronics (e.g. substrates, packaging), metamaterials, liquids, biological materials and functional materials.

The meeting is open to UK engineers and scientists, at all career stages, who are looking to improve their confidence in RF, Microwave and THz EM materials testing and evaluation, and address and adapt to material characterisation challenges in today’s fast-moving environment. Poster sessions will be held throughout the day, with an opportunity to take part in laboratory tours onsite at the University of Sheffield at the end of the meeting. Please note, due to capacity limitations, tours will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. 

We are currently inviting participants to submit Papers and Posters on RF, Microwave & THz EM Materials Metrology for presentation at the meeting covering: 

  • New measurement techniques
  • Improved techniques
  • Requirements  
  • Traceability 
  • Uncertainty 
  • Calibration 
  • Validation and verification 

If you would like to submit a paper or poster, please complete this application form


The University of Sheffield's EM, Wireless Hardware and RF Devices Group will be holding a Research & Networking Day, including for their UKRI National mmWave Facility, on Wednesday 16 April 10:00 – 16:30. 

The day will present recent research activity within the Group, help develop networks and provide the latest funding strategy from key funders.

EMMA-CoI attendees interested in mmWave antennas, metamaterials and circuits are warmly encouraged to attend both events, which have been arranged on adjacent days. 

Find out more about the National mmWave Facility 

15 April

10:00 – 16:30


38 Mappin Street, Sheffield City Centre

Register now