13th March | 9:00 - 9:15
Metrological progress on hydrogen gas quality: new analytical methods, proficiency testing and validation of sampling system
Dr Thomas Bacquart is a Senior Scientist in the Gas Metrology group at NPL and his focus since joining NPL has been on novel methods for performing hydrogen purity analysis especially focussing on hydrogen fuel quality fro transport application (ISO 14687). He contributed to the development of the NPL hydrogen quality and its accreditation ISO 17025. He has a background in metrology (certified reference materials production gained at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission) and in analytical chemistry (> 10 years’ experience). He managed and coordinated work packages for multiple European projects in the past years (15NMR03-Hydrogen, 16ENG01-MetroHyVe, H2020 HYDRAITE, technical lead for UK-funded project HG2V and A4I projects)