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JT Janssen

JT Janssen

Chief Scientist

13th March | 9:00am - 10:30am

Quantum Sensing: The next industrial Revolution

Prof Jan-Theodoor (JT) Janssen FREng FinstP FIET is the Chief Scientist at NPL and a member of the executive team. JT joined NPL in 1998 and is distinguished for the application of quantum technologies and an NPL Fellow in Quantum Electrical Metrology. His research involves a wide range of topics in solid-state physics applied to metrology applications. JT launched the National Graphene Metrology Centre (NGMC), the role of which is to develop metrology and standardisation for the nascent graphene industry. He is also a Scientific Co-Director of the Quantum Metrology Institute (QMI), which covers all of NPL's leading-edge quantum science and metrology research and provides the expertise and facilities needed for academia and industry to test, validate, and ultimately commercialise new quantum research and technologies.

Since 2017, JT has been a member of the NPL Executive team, first as the Research Director, and now as the Chief Scientist. In this role he is responsible for the external scientific engagements with academia and other government organisations and recently also our international activities. He responsible for the Science & Technology Advisory Council (STAC) and Post Graduate Institute (PGI) which NPL jointly runs with the Universities of Strathclyde and Surrey. Internally, he is responsible for the quality and benchmarking of the research outputs of the laboratory and its knowledge management. JT is also the UK delegate for EURAMET the European Association of National Metrology Institutes. JT is the executive sponsor for NPL’s Juno committee, which aims to address gender equality in physics and to encourage better practice for all staff and sponsor of the disability working group. JT is passionate about diversity and inclusion at the laboratory and in STEM more generally.

JT is a Chartered Physicist and Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of NPL, the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). He is also the NPL Head of Science and Engineering Profession for the Government Science and Engineering Profession (GSE) and a visiting professor at the University of Lancaster. He is the UK representative on EURAMET (European Metrology Organisation) and a member of its Board of Directors. In 2021 JT was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.