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Alex Dexter

Alex Dexter

Senior Scientist

13 March | 9:00 - 10:30

Metrology for Machine Learning and Machine Learning for Metrology

Alex Dexter graduated from the University of Birmingham with an Msc in Chemistry in 2012. Following this, he undertook his PhD jointly between the University of Birmingham, NPL and AstraZeneca on fundamentals and metrology for mass spectrometry imaging. This tackled both experimental and data analysis aspects of fundamentals including laser properties and statistical analysis of data.

Following this, Alex joined NPL full time as a higher research scientist in the national centre of excellence for mass spectrometry imaging at NPL. He now works across a number of different projects, including the CRUK “google earth” grand challenge covering aspects of experimental and data analysis.

His research interests focus on fundamentals and metrology for mass spectrometry imaging, including both experimental and data handling areas, along with their applications towards drug and biomarker discoveries.