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Current and future applications of mass spectrometry

MetroPOEM stakeholder meeting and CCRI(II) task group

The National Physical Laboratory, MetroPOEM consortium, CCRI(II) Mass Spectrometry Task Group and Royal Society of Chemistry Radiochemistry Group are pleased to announce a two day meeting exploring the current status and future developments of mass spectrometry for measurement of stable and radioactive isotopes for a range of applications.

The meeting is divided into two parts:

  • The first day is the third stakeholder workshop of the EURAMET MetroPOEM project (Metrology for the harmonisation of measurements of environmental pollutants in Europe) discussing the progress of the project with regards to harmonising methods for mass spectrometric measurement of stable and radioactive pollutants in the environment.
  • The second day is a CCRI (II) Mass spectrometry Task Group workshop on the role of mass spectrometry in radionuclide metrology for application areas including nuclear decommissioning, environmental radioactivity and nuclear forensics.

Both days consist of a series of presentations, posters, exhibitor stands and discussion sessions with attendees from measurement institutes.

The meeting will be held in person at NPL. There is an option to join the presentation sessions remotely via teams.

The presentations will be recorded and will be available after the event.

Hosptiality and refreshments will be provided for those attending in person.

15 - 16 May

09:30 - 16:00 UTC +1


National Physical Laboratory, Teddington and Online

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