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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science

Case studies

Validating magnetic sensors for the oil and gas industry

Magnetic sensors are used in a wide range of industrial applications, harnessing the Earth's magnetic field to help us better identify geological features on our own planet.

Case study

The challenge

While techniques to sense magnetic fields have continued to evolve, the environments that industry needs to use them in are becoming more challenging. Magnetic sensors may be used in situations as cold as -55 °C, or as hot as 175 °C and need to remain accurate in these temperatures. In order to direct future prospecting, for instance, industry needs to be confident that intense and, in some cases, rapidly-changing temperatures will not impact on readings. Without the right tools and expertise at hand, there can be a considerably difference between readings conducted at the development and calibration stage and those made once sensors are used in application.

The solution

At NPL, our experts have access to state-of-the-art facilities that enable a wide range of magnetic measurements. Determined to meet the needs of industry in challenging temperatures, the team has found a way to incorporate a commercial air-forcing temperature system into the low magnetic field facilitiy, in order to allow for the temperature calibration of magnetic sensors.

The impact

This capability has gone on to support more accurate sensing of magnetic fields, not only in geological exploration and space applications, but in the automotive industry as well, building confidence in magnetic sensing. All of our services in magnetic sensing are UKAS accredited

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