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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science



Our values

Our values are the common thread that shapes the way we work with each other and our clients, how we celebrate success and how we go about achieving our mission to provide the measurement capability that underpins the UK’s prosperity and quality of life. They form part of the recruitment and selection process; you can expect that we will ask you competency-based questions in interviews, specifically linked to our values. We use them to shape many of the ways in which we interact, including how we provide feedback to each other, how we develop people and what we celebrate.

Get connected

We build relationships to make a difference

Be bold

We are visionary, anything is possible

Give it our all

We lead, imagine, inspire and excel

Nurture and respect

We support each other to grow, succeed and enjoy

Keep it simple

We challenge complexity and provide clarity

Our value awards

We recognise and celebrate our employees, either as individuals or teams, who are living our values through outstanding behaviour and achievements. Employees may be awarded:

  • On-the-spot thanks - these are a ‘thank you’ to an individual or team to recognise a great job, a particular project or a behaviour that exemplifies our values.
  • Our values awards - these reward employees whose contribution and/or behaviour is exceptional in the context of our values. This might occur over a sustained period or could be a one-off.

View our full list of internal recognition awards

Our values express the behaviours we want to encourage and celebrate here at NPL, they prompt us when we are interacting with others, when we are thinking about the new science we want to undertake and when we’re getting involved in new ventures.

Peter Thompson - NPL CEO

Contact us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070