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Awards previous recipients

Rayleigh award previous recipients

C. Rennick, T. Arnold, E. Safi, A. Drinkwater, C. Dylag, E.M. Webber, R. Hill-Pearce, D.R. Worton, F. Bausi, D. Lowry, Boreas: a sample preparation-coupled laser spectrometer system for simultaneous high-precision in situ analysis of δ13C and δ2H from ambient air methane, Anal. Chem. 93, 10141, 2021

I.E. Kepiro, I. Marzuoli, K. Hammond, X. Ba, H. Lewis, M. Shaw, S.B. Gunnoo, E. De Santis, U. Łapińska, S. Pagliara, M.A. Holmes, C.D. Lorenz, B.W. Hoogenboom, F. Fraternali, M.G. Ryadnov, Engineering chirally blind protein pseudocapsids into antibacterial persisters, ACS Nano 14, 1609, 2020

Y. Cao, G. Koutsourakis, G.J.M. Sutton, J.W.E. Kneller, S. Wood, J.C. Blakesley, F.A. Castro, In situ contactless thermal characterisation and imaging of encapsulated photovoltaic devices using phosphor thermometry, Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 27, 673, 2019

G. Marra, C. Clivati, R. Luckett, A. Tampellini, J. Kronjäger, L. Wright, A. Mura, F. Levi, S. Robinson, A. Xuereb, B. Baptie, D. Calonico, Ultrastable laser interferometry for earthquake detection with  terrestrial and submarine cables, Science 361, 486, 2018

L. Del Bino, J.M. Silver, S.L. Stebbings, P. Del'Haye, Symmetry breaking of counter-propagating light in a nonlinear resonator, Scientific Reports 7, 43142, 2017

R. Underwood, M. de Podesta, G. Sutton, L. Stanger, R. Rusby, P. Harris, P. Morantz, G. Machin, Estimates of the difference between thermodynamic temperature and the International Temperature Scale of 1990 in the range 118 K to 303 K, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A374, 20150048, 2016

J. Keightley, A. Pearce, A. Fenwick, S. Collins, K. Ferreira, L. Johansson, Standardisation of 223Ra by liquid scintillation counting techniques and comparison with secondary measurements, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 95, 114, 2015

J. Burnett, L. Faoro, I. Wisby, V.L. Gurtovoi, A.V. Chernykh, G.M. Mikhailov, V.A. Tulin, R. Shaikhaidarov, V. Antonov, P.J. Meeson, A.Y. Tzalenchuk, T. Lindström, Evidence for interacting two-level systems from the 1/f noise of a superconducting resonator, Nature Communications 5, 4119, 2014

P.D. Rakowska, H. Jiang, S. Ray, A. Pyne, B. Lamarre, M. Carre, P.J. Judge, J. Ravia, U.I.M. Gerling, B. Kokschg, G.J. Martyna, B.W. Hoogenboom, A. Watts, J. Crain, C.R.M. Grovenor, M.G. Ryadnov, Nanoscale imaging reveals laterally expanding antimicrobial pores in lipid bilayers, PNAS 110, 8918, 2013

S.P. Giblin, M. Kataoka, J.D. Fletcher, P. See, T.J.B.M. Janssen, J.P. Griffiths, G.A.C. Jones, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie, Towards a quantum representation of the ampere using single electron pumps, Nature Communications 3, 930, 2012

W.C. Tsoi, P.G. Nicholson, J.S. Kim, D. Roy, T.L. Burnett, C.E. Murphy, J. Nelson, D.D.C. Bradley, J.-S. Kim, F.A. Castro, Surface and subsurface morphology of operating nanowire:fullerene solar cells revealed by photoconductive-AFM, Energy Environ. Sci. 4, 3646, 2011

A. Tzalenchuk, S. Lara-Avila, A. Kalaboukhov, S. Paolillo, M. Syväjärvi, R. Yakimova, O. Kazakova, T.J.B.M. Janssen, V. Fal'ko, S. Kubatkin, Towards a quantum resistance standard based on epitaxial graphene, Nature Nanotechnology 5, 186, 2010

N.M. Jennett, R. Ghisleni, J. Michler, Enhanced yield strength of materials -the thinness effect, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 123102, 2009

D. Roy, E. Angeles-Tactay, R.J.C. Brown, S.J. Spencer, T. Fry, T.A. Dunton, T. Young, M.J.T. Milton, Synthesis and Raman spectroscopic characterization of carbon nanoscrolls, Chem. Phys. Lett. 465, 254, 2008 and S.A. Webster, M. Oxborrow, S. Pugla, J. Millo, P. Gill, Thermal-noise-limited optical cavity, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033847, 2008

K. Szymaniec, W. Chałupczak, E. Tiesinga, C.J. Williams, S. Weyers, R. Wynands, Cancellation of the collisional frequency shift in caesium fountain clocks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 153002, 2007

G. Sutton, A. Levick, G. Edwards, D. Greenhalgh, A combustion temperature and species standard for the calibration of laser diagnostic techniques, Combustion and Flame 147, 39, 2006

C.A. Clifford, M.P. Seah, The determination of atomic force microscope cantilever spring constants via dimensional methods for nanomechanical analysis, Nanotechnology 16, 1666, 2005

Impact from science award previous recipients

Justin Ablitt, Jim Bradley-Webster, Sei-Him Cheong, Chris Dilley, Ben Ford, Nick Lucas, Sam Masterman, Stephen Robinson, Lian Wang, Jake Ward: Assessing man-made marine noise and Michael Campbell, Ben Hughes, Mattia Lazzerini: BepiColombo mission to Mercury

David Butterfield, Chris Bradshaw, Andy Finlayson, Morven Sinclair, Fabrizio Innocenti: New methodology for monitoring methane emissions from the National Grid

NPI Award previous recipients

DAART and Breast Scanner

Ventilator Testing and MR Guided Radiotherapy

Celsius Health 

NPL Training Team

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