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Paul Vigoureux

Paul Vigoureux's work on the International System of Units had a profound effect on the exactness of science.

Paul Vigoureux

1903 – 1999

Paul Vigoureux's work on the International System of Units had a profound effect on the exactness of science.


Paul Vigoureux was given a post under D W Dye in the Electricity Division of NPL in 1925. His scientific career, at NPL and with the Admiralty Scientific Service, spanned seven decades, with his last NPL report being published in 1995 - although he carried on his consultancy work at NPL until 1997. He authored and co-authored numerous scientific papers and several technical books, including one on cookery (Cook it the French way).

Aside from his wartime work in submarine detection, his contributions to the units of magnetism and electricity were the most notable. By translating key documents between French and English, he greatly influenced the shape and introduction of the International System of Units: the SI units.